AWSOM Pixgallery has been updated to version 4.3.4 and is now available for download. This is a minor bug fix that corrects some issues with the Admin area Pixgallery options page incorrectly displaying the order of the options. This is only a cosmetic fix. To upgrade download the new zip file and overwrite the files on your server.
Also, version 4.4.0 is now in development :)
Hiya, Pixgallery appears to be the plugin Ive been looking for! Yay…..but one question. I am a very very new WordPress user….can do your standard uploads etc….but as for activating a plugin….and how to make a gallery page (in a blog)….well Im lost!
Do you have detailed installation instructions for this plugin?????
Hi Tracie, a very detailed setup tutorial is under way right now, but to get you up to speed quickly let me give you some info:
1) Move the plugin folder (just the folder holding the files) to your wordpress install folder wp-content/plugins.
2)After you log into your wordpress site go to the Tab at the top called “Plugins” (it’ll be on the top row of links). Once there look down the list until you see the plugin called “pixgallery” and described as having the AWSOM mod additions by Harknell, next to this you will see a link called “activate”, click this link.
3)Pixgallery CAN do standard uploads as it’s image gallery items, but then you will also add to your gallery any other pictures you upload also (say you want to put a picture of something random in your post or page, that will end up in your gallery also) If you don’t plan on ever putting images other than your artwork or comics in posts, then you can point pixgallery to your uploads area and it will display things uploaded using the WordPress image upload function.
4) Here’s how to do it: Go to the Admin area and click the “Options” tab from the top page menu. Then click the “Pixgallery” link from the menu that appears underneath this menu. On that page in the center is a special area that talks about the AWSOM mod additions. There is a code listed in black that looks like HTML with the words pixgallery in it, copy that code. Then in a regular page you need to paste the text you copied. in place of the text “Your_image_directory_name” put the following: /wp-content/uploads/2007/
What will happen is your uploaded images will be put into separate folders based on the month they were added. Honestly though, you are better off organizing things your self and placing your images into a folder on your webserver–so if you placed your images in a folder called artwork, you’d replace the text above with /artwork/ in the code.
BTW, you can place text and things above and below the pixgallery activation code in your page, that stuff will appear on the main page but not on the gallery page.
I’ll be posting the in depth guide soon, right now there is a guide to the options up off the pixgallery page.
If you need more help it will be easier to talk over at the forum, set up an account and post in the AWSOM support forum.
Fantastic! Thankyou sooo much! :D
That was just the right info I needed. Ill give it a go and see if I can get it up and running!
If not Ill be toddling over to Harknell forums! :D
Thanks again.