In what is seemingly turning into a weekly phenomenon, There are 2 updates to AWSOM plugins now available. AWSOM Drop Down Archive has been updated to version 1.1.1 and AWSOM News Announcement has been updated to version 1.2.3.
AWSOM Drop Down Archive has had 2 updates in this release. The first update is a new Admin Options area that allows the admin to set the width of the drop down archive box–this is a feature request from some people who’ve needed to adjust the size of the box to fit their theme. The second update is to fix an issue where the archive could show up in the wrong spot in some themes.
AWSOM News Announcement has one update in this release, which is the same fix as the Drop Down Archive, to make sure the News Announcement doesn’t show up in the wrong location.
You can get the new versions of both plugin from their product pages.