I’ve posted a 2nd Beta version of AWSOM Pixgallery 4.7.0 up on the site for download, get it here.
This version has the new “Share This” integration and “Universal Image Text” option, with some other small changes.
I’m not going to be able to do a “real” release of 4.7.0 for about 2 weeks, so I wanted to get a version out there for you guys to test in the meantime. For the most part I think this will be it for new features in this version. I have some point release plans for 4.7, which will follow over the next few weeks to add some small stuff and any necessary bug fixes.
Can’twait for the “real” 4.7.0 release! Thanks! :)
Can’twait for the “real” 4.7.0 release! Thanks! :)