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Category Archives: Wordpress Theme

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PhotoPress Theme Now Available

A new theme specifically designed for Photoblogging has been released. Photopress is a one column theme that’s designed to give much more room for thumbnails on the main page for greater display of your images to visitors. Of course this could also apply to comics or other types of artwork also.

WPZipper updated, now with AWSOM plugins

I just received an email from the administrators of the WPZipper.com website to let me know that they’ve updated their site and also added the AWSOM plugins to their database. WPZipper.com is a website designed to take plugins and themes and add them to a WordPress install archive so that you have a fully set up file set to upload to your web server (instead of having to add all of the stuff yourself individually).

If you happen to need to set up multiple sites with the same configuration it’s a real time saver. Heck, the fact that they have a ton of plugins and themes in one spot makes it a decent search database even if you don’t care about the archive building function.

Contribute To ComicPress Development

The Developers of the ComicPress theme for WordPress are looking for feedback about what features people want for the next version of the theme. If you are using this theme or are considering it you should let them know what you want.

link: http://mindfaucet.com/comicpress/2007/06/03/comicpress-21-development/

Webcomic sites using WordPress: Applegeeks.com

Since many people who will be visiting Awsom.org may be new to web development or using WordPress I think it’s a good idea to have some examples available of what you can do when developing an Art or Webcomic site. The guys at Applegeeks.com are using WordPress for their webcomic, and they’ve done quite a few modifications to the basic theme and flow of WordPress to enhance their site. (One thing I need to find out is how they’re doing that progress bar in their sidebar!)

I’ll feature more people using WordPress over time so that you guys can get more ideas for your own development.

Canvas Theme Creator for WordPress

Canvas is a CSS based theme editor plugin for WordPress that looks to be an awesome development when it becomes more stable and authoratative. The concept is that you will be able to simply drag and drop whole areas to create your theme without having to resort to using code (imagine using the sidebar widgets but for your whole theme–you did go get those for your site right?). A grand idea in the early stages. I’ll definitely keep you all updated as it develops.

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