Hi everyone, I’ll be at AnimeNext this weekend. One thing I wanted to specifically point out is a panel I’ll be on called “Online Distribution Options for Comics” that occurs on Sunday June 22nd at 2pm. This is an opportunity for anyone to come down and get some questions answered by me about web set up options as well as insight into other methods of getting your work out there through the internet. I’ll also be around at the “Onezumi.com/Stupid and Insane Defenders Against Chaos” table on Saturday from about 1:30-6:30 pm and also 10-1:30 on Sunday to answer questions (and maybe sell some stuff :) ) . Stop on by and say hello, I’m always happy to give advice or answer questions.
Home » AWSOM News » AnimeNext Panel on Online Distribution
Just wondering if you are doing any additional events. Keep us all posted thanks!