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Category Archives: AWSOM News

Fundamental Website Setup Links

A Revival In the Works

It’s been awhile, but I’m looking to restart my blogging efforts on AWSOM.org. I think I might actually have some things worth saying again, so expect weekly updates starting next week. I may do some in-between updates sometimes, but I expect to do at least 1 main update a week, on Mondays.

See you on the 11th :)

AWSOM News Announcement plugin updated to version 1.5.5

AWSOM News Announcement has been updated to version 1.5.5 and is available for download from the AWSOM.org website and the WordPress.org plugin repository. This minor update fixes an issue with the plugin when used with an SSL configured WordPress site. While it’s suggested to update to this version, if you are not using an SSL WordPress site then there are no major changes that would affect your usage so an upgrade is optional.

Small Updates to AWSOM Archive and AWSOM News Announcement Plugins

I’ve recently made some small updates to both the AWSOM Archive plugin and the AWSOM News Announcement plugins.

The change for Archive is to remove the notice to check the Harknell.com forums for support (they no longer exist and are now hosted here at AWSOM.org). The change for News Announcement is the same as Archive, but with the addition of the proper handling for SSL Administration enabled websites. So now the front end editing links will now stay within the realm of SSL.

Minor updates for now, but once I start making these types of changes you can tell I’m back in the mood for adding new features :)

AWSOM PixGallery 4.7.0 now available

I have added an update for AWSOM PixGallery, for version 4.7.0, to the PixGallery Product page. This version has all of the features of the previous 2 beta releases, as well as some new small bugfixes and text updates.

For those of you that prefer the WordPress.org auto-update feature, the new version will be live in their system sometime over the next day or so.

As usual, please contact me if you discover any bugs or issues.

AWSOM PixGallery 4.7.0 Beta 2 now available

I’ve posted a 2nd Beta version of AWSOM Pixgallery 4.7.0 up on the site for download, get it here.

This version has the new “Share This” integration and “Universal Image Text” option, with some other small changes.

I’m not going to be able to do a “real” release of 4.7.0 for about 2 weeks, so I wanted to get a version out there for you guys to test in the meantime. For the most part I think this will be it for new features in this version. I have some point release plans for 4.7, which will follow over the next few weeks to add some small stuff and any necessary bug fixes.

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