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Long Time Coming: Possible Pixgallery Post Issues Fix

I’m investigating a fix for Pixgallery that will alleviate the issues some users have encountered where the plugin interacts badly with images in their posts. One of the functions Pixgallery contains is the ability to “protect your theme” by automatically resizing any images in your posts/pages to a set maximum size. Unfortunately this sometimes causes bad behavior where page load delays or other unfortunate situations can occur when the plugin is active. I’ve finally worked out a possible solution to the issue. For the most part these problems occur in posts, not pages. For the most part users use galleries in their static pages, not posts. So the fix will involve a new admin setting that basically turns off all Pixgallery image scanning within posts. This is not a full fix for the issue, since of course some people may want to use galleries in posts–or they may have other images in pages that cause the underlying issues. But I think overall this addition to the plugin will get rid of 90% of the problems most people encounter ( i hope).

I’ll put up the new version as soon as I can confirm that nothing else goes boom when the fix code is active.

AWSOM Pixgallery updated to 4.5.10

The AWSOM Pixgallery WordPress plugin has been updated to version 4.5.10 to fix a few minor bugs dealing with the Visual Editor function as well as some pathing issues with the CSS and JS files. Nothing major but still a good idea to upgrade to stay current. You can now use the WordPress automatic upgrade function to update the plugin, so this makes it even easier.

WordPress 2.8 compatibility achieved

All of the AWSOM plugins have been updated to be compatible with WordPress 2.8.2. In the cases of Pixgallery and Archive plugins this required the change of their plugin folder names to be compatible with their WordPress repository names. It is suggested that upgraders should use FTP to delete the old folders for these plugins from their servers and move over the new plugin folders from the downloads off AWSOM.org. After this though all future updates should be easily done through the WordPress built in upgrade function.

AWSOM News Announcement Plugin Updated to Version 1.5.0

Hi Everyone, The AWSOM News Announcement Plugin for WordPress has been updated to version 1.5.0 and is available for immediate download from the AWSOM.org website. This new version now has support for date based display of News posts (so only have the post display during certain dates, or starting until/after a certain date) as well as display tracking of posts (So you can see how many times a post has been viewed–great for when you set posts to be displayed only for certain groups of users). One other important update is the change of the Plugin folder to be compatible with the WordPress auto-update/installer function–So if you already have the plugin installed please note that you will need to remove the older folder called awsomnews and replace it with the new folder called awsom-news-announcement.

AWSOM News Announcement updated to 1.4.6, WordPress 2.7 compatible

Hi Everyone, I’ve just updated the AWSOM News Announcement plugin to be WordPress 2.7 compatible. Please replace your current Plugin Files with the new version available from the AWSOM.org website. The biggest change is the new location for Managing your News Announcements–this is now under the “Posts” section of the Admin menu. This is now true for all versions of WordPress.

Please let me know if you run into any problems with the Plugin for any version of WordPress.

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