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AWSOM Pixgallery Beta 3 released

The newest Beta of the upcoming AWSOM Pixgallery version 4.4.4 has been released and is available for download from the Pixgallery product page. This version adds in a very requested feature to allow editing of image captions directly through the single image view page. Admins or users with the “Manage Options” level role capability can now click a link under any image on the single image view page to go directly to the edit captions page for that image. This enhancement makes it much easier to add in captions and update them when needed.

An additional bug fix is also included in this release to correct an issue that had certain themes mis-place the name/caption text on the single image page.

You can get a full rundown on the additions in this Beta version by reading the Beta release information page.

As is usual with Beta software, while I believe this version is stable, please be aware that issues could arise in a production setting and it is best to test this version in a test environment before using live.


  1. I love it. Nice work. It’s a very intuitive way of doing things. It works so much better than having to know the exact file name and extension. Certainly a nice add on.

    There is still the little issue of pixgallery trying to resize images that are not hosted on the site (and not even in a gallery!). Heck, even if I post an image from my site and source it as “http://…” then it will return the same error:

    “Error: Photos path must have write permission for reduce originals option!”

    I’ve gotten into the habit of removing the line of code that outputs the error… it seems that everything really works fine, but pixgallery just doesn’t like it.

  2. Very weird. The Photos path error is in relation to the Reduce images in photos path (0 = disabled) setting, which if you enter zeros will shut off. If it still causes issues after that then something very strange is going on.

    The error is actually due to the GD library in php not being able to have file permissions to rewrite the file.

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