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AWSOM News Announcement 1.5.1 now available

The AWSOM News Announcement Plugin for WordPress has been updated to version 1.5.1 and is now available for download at the AWSOM.org website. This version fixes a major bug which prevented brand new installs of the plugin from creating the proper database tables needed for the plugin (Doh!). Grab it or do the auto-update to get the correct version of the plugin. If you tried to install the 1.5.0 version, deactivate the Plugin first, then reactivate it to create the database tables.


  1. I really like your WordPress plugins. Unfortunately, I am not a coder so cannot use the Archive plugin because I would prefer it on my sidebar. Do you plan on making it widgetized so that non-coders can use it?

    Also, on your News plugin, how can it be disabled and prevented from showing during the times that there is no news?

    • Hi Jesslyn,
      First for the News Plugin:
      To disable display of news simply turn each news post from active to “no” (go and click the edit link next to the news post from the admin page, or click the “edit this news post” link while logged in and viewing the page). This will then no longer display the news post, and the news area will collapse and not be displayed.

      For the Archive plugin:
      I’ve been thinking about making some updates to the plugin, so I might be able to add in a widget version….however, there are other widget versions of archives that work sort of like mine, but just as a widget. I made the plugin to allow this to be done anywhere. While I’d love you to use my plugin, you might want to see if there’s a current widget version of an archive that you can use for now.

  2. Great plug in, but it doesn’t work with 2.8 now. Any chance you can bump this up in your priority list and get a fix in for it?

    Hope so!!


  3. A very nice plugin which I will use in my new theme.
    I do have one problem, however: my site is trying to be bilingual and for this I use a plugin called langswitcher
    I need to find where in the code of your plugin to place a php phrase such as this :”echo apply_filters(‘the_title’,$image->alttext)” – this is to get NextGen gallery into bilingualism – I think the first variable is a langswitcher variable, the second is the data to be output.

    Please help, so I can get the whole thing on line !

    • Hi Nick,
      I’m not sure exactly what you are looking for. Do you need help with NextGen Gallery? Or is this related to AWSOM News Announcement?

      • Thanks for a quick reply !

        I was using an example from the changes I had to make for NextGen. The problem was how to get News Announcement to output in one of the two languages, but not both ! (Bilingual plugins work by putting each language input between tags and then filtering them)

        Actually I found it for myself which never fails to surprise me ! I got there by looking for instances of HTML which resembles the output in Firebug…

        Line 151 of your code needs to look like this for lang switcher (or lang switch, I’m never sure of the name) to work:

        echo apply_filters(‘the_title’,$displaynewspost);

        the terms vary a little from one multilanguage plugin to another and I’m not sure of the compatibility between them, but this may help other users in a similar predicament

        I also did the same with line 273, but it doesn’t appear to have much effect

        • BTW, thank you for the tip on multi-language support. I’ll try to see if I can add that in somehow in the future. For the moment hopefully people can follow your advice if they need to add it in.

        • A further update – if you enable php this filter hack doesn’t work any more – and there I am lost – actually it doesn’t matter, I did a quick brush up on relative links and permalinks (which is all I wanted the php for) and disabled it again. But I cannot work out where to put the filter on the output if php is enabled in the news posts.

          Anyway it is doing just what I wanted – thanks !

      • A tiny thought –
        Is there any way of pointing Awsom News to the TinyMce that is already in the WP package ?
        It seems kind of strange having 2 (quite weighty) instances of the same code on the same server…

        • Actually, the duplicate tinyMCE is on purpose. If you notice the one in my plugin has more features enabled and also has specific Safari browser support built in. Also, I used to actually use the built in one, but WordPress did something and broke compatibility so it wouldn’t work anymore. Mine only launches when you load the news plugin admin page so it doesn’t actually add any overhead generally.

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