Fundamental Website Setup Links

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If you are an Artist, Webcomic Creator, or Blogger looking for help setting up a website, you've come to the right place! can help you get a site up and running quickly with tools, tutorials, and news specifically designed for your needs.

(BTW, this News area uses the AWSOM News Announcement plugin available from the menu on the left and the drop down archive below is the a result of the AWSOM Archive plugin)

AWSOM News Announcement 1.5.1 now available

The AWSOM News Announcement Plugin for WordPress has been updated to version 1.5.1 and is now available for download at the website. This version fixes a major bug which prevented brand new installs of the plugin from creating the proper database tables needed for the plugin (Doh!). Grab it or do the auto-update to get the correct version of the plugin. If you tried to install the 1.5.0 version, deactivate the Plugin first, then reactivate it to create the database tables.

AWSOM News Announcement Plugin Updated to Version 1.5.0

Hi Everyone, The AWSOM News Announcement Plugin for WordPress has been updated to version 1.5.0 and is available for immediate download from the website. This new version now has support for date based display of News posts (so only have the post display during certain dates, or starting until/after a certain date) as well as display tracking of posts (So you can see how many times a post has been viewed–great for when you set posts to be displayed only for certain groups of users). One other important update is the change of the Plugin folder to be compatible with the WordPress auto-update/installer function–So if you already have the plugin installed please note that you will need to remove the older folder called awsomnews and replace it with the new folder called awsom-news-announcement.

How to Compel Your Readers to Support You

Moving traffic is an extremely important component to marketing your work online. If you can’t move traffic, you can’t compel people to buy your products, come out to your live events, or otherwise support you. In addition to this, you won’t be able to share traffic with your professional friends to shore up your networking goodwill.

The bottom line is that it is extremely important to get your readers to click the links that you post., buy your stuff, and to come out and see you if you tour.

A surprising thing that I have observed in my organizing of webcomic programming is that it does not appear that website traffic has as much of a relation between your ability to influence your readers as you might think.

I have met people with very large estimated monthly readership who are absolutely unable to compel their readers to do anything, and I have met people with tiny readerships who can command a small but powerful army.

Size does matter, but the degree that it matters depends on how good you are in speaking to your existing readers.

Your blog posts matter just as much if not more than your work. It is all part of the packaging.

Here is a handy translation guide for some common poorly-chosen themes and what they are really telling their readers:

– “Here’s a comic.”

You might be busy, but it it happens more than a couple of times, you are saying that you don’t care. If you don’t care, why should your readers? Repetition and consistency are the things that train your readers to watch your blog for important things. You are teaching them not to find anything you say to be important.

The way I’d do it: “Hey guys, I am super busy right now. I have (x and y and z) just about ready for you guys. I’m really excited about it. Here’s a photo of (something I’m working on or something random from online that is amusing). Talk to you guys again on Tuesday! :D”

– “My art sucks.. But whatever, here’s some art.”

You’ve just communicated to people that you hope will buy your work that you aren’t worth it. Yeah, I guess your art does suck. I believe you.

The way I’d do it: “Hey what’s goin’ on? I have some new kikass concept art up in here. Clicky the link and check it!”

I find that a rule of thumb is to imagine how the people reading you think. It is just like being friends with someone. If you want them to get to know you and care about what you do, you have to let them in a little bit, but try and remain as positive as you can. Negative talk really irks a lot of people.

Above all, be honest and be yourself The rest will fall into place over many years. Your readers are coming to see you to be entertained. Your job is to fulfill that. If you hope to make money off of it, you need to also keep them listening to you.

Pixgallery 4.5.7 released, finally :)

Hey everyone, AWSOM Pixgallery version 4.5.7 is now officially and finally released. This version has a few bug fixes and now supports WordPress 2.7. A notable change to all versions of the plugin is the location of the Gallery management area–> it is now located under the “Design” or “Appearance” tab of the WordPress admin area. This is not something I really wanted to do, but the changes in 2.7 forced me to relocate the page and this was the best option.

One very nice thing is the “Individual Comment System” works perfectly with the new Nested Comment system in 2.7, so now all of your galleries and images can have lively conversations going that only show up for that image or gallery.

Anyway, grab the new version and as usual please let me know if you have any issues.

AWSOM NEWS Yet again updated, now 1.4.7

Hey everyone. I have yet again updated the AWSOM News Announcement plugin, this time with backward compatibility! Yes, now anyone can use the plugin on any version of WordPress again. (let’s call this edition the “I’m dumb and need to test older versions edition” of the plugin. anyway, 1.4.7 is now available for download so for anyone using WordPress 2.6.5 and older you can download the now functional version at to get you back up and running. Sorry for that :)

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